Most of us are motivated to continuously improve our personal performance in domains such as business or sports. Our digital platforms also need to continuously improve because of competition and the evolving user needs.
All digital platforms want to attract and retain users. Improving the UX design on conversion pages will increase new users. Having better UX on functional pages will boost user retention. Yet, there are often too many different ways to improve a UX design. Good news is that UX research shows you clearly the best way to maximize the potential of your digital platform.
UX research shows you clearly the best way to maximize the potential of your digital platform.
Imagine you have an e-commerce site. The conversion ratio is lower than the benchmark in your industry. You worry about losing advertising dollars. UX research shows that customers abandon the cart because of your checkout page. The form on that page asks for too much personal information. Since such information is of little or no use to your business, you remove most personal information fields from the checkout form. This boosts your conversion ratio. By implementing such a simple change you increase your revenue and profits.
Simple changes to your platform's UX design can significantly improve your business outcomes.
Your startup offers an innovative software service to medium-sized businesses. Yet, most businesses cancel their subscription during the free trial. Most of the money you spend to attract customers is wasted. UX research discovers that employees find it difficult to learn your software. There are particularly some tasks that employees end up not achieving. You introduce pop-up boxes to train new users telling them exactly what to do when performing such tasks. You also allow users to turn on or off this pop-up aid so that users do not get frustrated with instructions after they gain experience. This simple change significantly reduces cancellation rates and increases your return on marketing immediately.
Visitors to your financial services platform do not signup to become a member although you offer a high quality product and competitive fees. UX research discovers that your landing page uses too many animations. Some animations glitch on certain browsers reducing trust in your financial service. Removing these animations and revamping the landing page to enhance trust immediately boosts signups.
As seen in these case studies UX research can boost your business’ performance quickly. The benefits go beyond solving problems that need immediate attention. UX research also helps you establish pleasing UX designs that keep satisfied visitors coming back!
"Let's make sure your digital platform pleases its users and turns them into loyal visitors."
Murat Usta, PhD
UX Design/Research Expert